Remote Fetal Monitoring
Fetal Monitoring
Monitoring fetal heart rate and uterine contraction activity is a fundamental and popular noninvasive method of evaluating the baby’s well-being during intra-uterine life and as such may predict neonatal outcome.
Fetal heart rate recording during pregnancy, known as a Non-Stress Test (NST) is an important part of intra-uterine fetal surveillance and allows early detection of any change or impending risks to the baby's life or well-being.
Fetal monitoring is used in two main situations:
- Routinely – 10-15 monitors per women during high–risk prenatal surveillance (around 15% of all pregnancies)
- Maternal complaints – assessing fetal condition in response to maternal complaints such as reduced fetal activity or contractions and also in post date pregnancies. 3-4 monitors per woman during low risk pregnancy.
The need for Remote Fetal Monitoring Center
Fetal monitoring is a crucial part of fetal status evaluation, either alone or as an adjuvant to other modalities.
There are four main circumstances where this need is not addressed properly:
- Rural areas – where there is a lack of expert obstetric medical care
- Countries or provinces with a low ratio of Obstetricians per capita
- Heavy load on Obstetricians in the clinic/ hospital causing delays in interpretation
- Availability of second opinion for reassurance
If fetal monitoring is not performed when clinically required, it may cause:
- Increased morbidity of babies and mothers.
- Increased medico-legal exposure
- Unsatisfactory client experience
The Solution
Baby link offers a complete remote monitoring and interpretation service which provides an efficient solution along with the following key features:
Key Features
- Web-based system which can be accessed from anywhere, any time
- Meets HIPAA criteria
- Can serve multi sites simultaneously
- Central viewing and interpretation
- Management tools including:
- Automatic pre-set messages and alerts
- Managerial Reports
- Real-time control by operational staff
- Immediate Consulation with Medical Directors
System's compatibilities
- The system can be customized to meet the specific needs of each healthcare organization
- A wide range of interfaces supporting APIs for bi-directional communication with EMR and HIS
- Secure archiving on the organization's servers
- Supports a wide range of fetal monitor models
System's basic scheme
Out-Patient Clinics

HMO's Servers

Interpretation Center

Proven experience – facts and figures on baby link's remote monitoring center
- Serving 200 clinics of HMO
- 14 obstetricians
- Over 50,000 interpretation's
- An average interpretation time of 7 minutes (4 minutes for urgent cases)
- Saved referrals to ER in 12% of cases
- Second opinion in 3% of cases
- Alerts in 2% by operational staff
Benefits of Remote Fetal Monitoring Service
Baby link's remote fetal monitoring center offers benefits for both patients and medical organizations
Quality Control
Availability of
immediate consultation

Improved client experience
- Fast
- No need to travel long distances
- Attracts new "profitable" young families
Reduced costs
- No need for availble obstetricians in every clinic all day long
- Less referrals to ER (HMO only)
Service models
The models for introducing Remote fetal monitoring and its functional scopes are tailored to the needs of the individual client, whether it be an HMO, medical insurance or local partner.
Various models can be created and applied:
Complete Outsourcing
Baby Link
Local Opreator
Outsourcing part
of the service
Baby Link
Local Opreator
& technology
by local
Purchasing or Licensing technology & know-how
Baby Link
Local Opreator
customer support
About Baby Link
BabyLink is a leading company in Israel in the field of professional paramedical services for women during pregnancy, delivery and after birth.
The company was established in 2006 by a group of senior healthcare and management professionals with an accumulated experience of decades in the medical field.
Our experience, knowledge and deep understanding of the field, both in terms of medical and management aspects, are expressed in each of our operations and are applied in practice in all our fields of activities.
The company meets the strictest standards of Quality Management (ISO9001) and Medical Information Security (ISO27799).
For more info